MKE Section


For over a century, NCJW has been the gateway for women in Milwaukee’s Jewish community to live their values through advocacy and service. Our members enjoy a variety of engaging membership events, educational opportunities, and a forum to participate in political activism both locally and nationally.

Opportunities to Get Involved In Our Section

HIPPY – Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters  helps low-income parents give their children a solid foundation of skills for future academic success through daily reading and a thirty-week curriculum. COA Youth & Family Centers administers this program in partnership with NCJW, Milwaukee Public Schools, The Parenting Network, and other community partners.

HIPPY sponsors monthly Family Gathering Nights, providing educational activities and entertainment, dinner, and a lending library. NCJW volunteers have fun on the second Monday of each month during the school year to read to children and to help serve dinner and run art projects and activities. Volunteers can also help with planning, program evaluation, publicity, fundraising, and other aspects of the program. Volunteers are always welcome!  See the HIPPY tab for details, dates, and contact information, or email


NCJW is a strong supporter of social programs that benefit women, children and families. Our section focuses its advocacy efforts in three areas:  Voting and voter rights, Reproductive justice and abortion access, and fair courts.  We believe every citizen should have equal access to voting and that everyone’s vote should be counted.  We partner with local groups to actively Get Out the Vote, and educate the community about ballot issues that impact the quality of life for women, children and families.

NCJW and the Jewish religion believe in every woman’s right to abortion and reproductive health services. Our section supports Jews for Abortion Access , a national effort that promotes access to abortion and reproductive health care.  Section members have participated in local and national rallies fighting for abortion access.  Our fourth Repro Shabbat, connecting local synagogue communities with our action for Reproductive Justice, will take place February 21 and 22, 2025  –make plans to join in one of the programs that weekend!

Seasonal programs put on by NCJW-MKE give members and guests a chance to learn and put our values into action.

This year, our advocacy programs will also address the changes in our country’s courts and how we can work for a fair justice systems.

Social and Educational Programming

NCJW-MKE sponsors events throughout the year that focus on various topics of interest to our membership.  Spring 2025 will feature a “Salon Series” of discussions on timely topics — watch your email for more information or contact for updates.

Community Service 

Our Section gathers school supplies, books, clothing, and personal care items for those in need in our community and the children who participate at COA, and we partner with Women’s Philanthropy of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation to collect toiletries and food for the Jewish Community Food Pantry.  Making new friends and new connections through these activities is just one of the benefits of being an NCJW Milwaukee Section member!

For more information about how to get involved, contact us at